
Friday, October 19, 2012

Write Now: My 10 Essentials

While watching Survivor the other night, I got to thinking about the things I would miss if I ever have the chance to go on Survivor. Then I got an email from a friend telling me what his 10 essentials were and asking me to share mine.

1. Sunday Dinners - I love having the whole family get together under one roof. I have fond memories of my grandmother's house and I hope that is my legacy too.

2. Bible - it always has the answers and guidance you seek.

3. Family and friends.

4. iPhone - I left home without it the other day and I had to go back and get it. It is more than just a phone - it holds my music, pictures, and of course it is my connection to Words with Friends (I think I am addicted).

5. iPad - great to have my library of books and magazines there at my fingertips.

6. Saturday afternoon matinees - I love going to the movies. And for me this is a process. I like to get there early to be sure to score my perfect seat. If I don't, I'm disappointed, but there are plenty of other seats. My new beau assures me that he finds this little quirk fascinating.

7. Fall in the South - it is my favorite time of year and right now the leaves are just beginning their transformation. There is a tree on Mills Avenue - my most favorite tree of all - it is spectacular in the fall, but only for a day or two at most. It is as if the leaves turn golden over night and the next night they are on the ground.

8. Diet Coke - I try to keep it down to one a day.

9. My grandson - he really should be at the top of the list, but I'm not following an exact order. He is only 9 months and he's just discovering the world. He babbles trying to talk. When he smiles, he squinches up his nose and looks just like his mother. He is very inquisitive and determined. My daughter is going to have her hands full.

10. Writer's notebook - to jot down scenes, notes, etc. Sometimes I like to totally unplug and just write by hand rather than type.

Check back Tuesday for my review of The Shortest Way Home the latest novel by Juliette Fay.

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